“It is so simple to be happy, but it is so difficult to be simple.”

Gururaj Ananda Yogi


What is meditation?

Meditation is the simple and effortless process of connecting with the silence and peace within. During meditation, our attention flows inward rather than engaging in the outside world of activity. We connect with a deeper level of ourselves, the stillness within, and gradually over time begin to live from a place of steadiness and inner peace.


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Meditation Designed for the Individual

The American Meditation Society is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to providing meditation classes and meditation techniques that are personalized. A range of instruction is available including meditation for beginners to advanced practices that are designed for the individual. Meditation when properly taught is effortless and opens the heart.

  • “AMS meditation practices have helped me focus my desire for constant and conscious meeting with the Divine. My experience with meditation previously had been a confusion of Eastern and Western ideas that were stuck in my head. Now I have a stable and unified path that extends into the far reaches of my heart. I appreciate the peace and the clarity I’ve found. I am more open to continuously re-framing my life in the material world as my spiritual consciousness expands to meet All of Life.”


    Artist, Writer, Editor - Tennessee
  • “The American Meditation Society has changed my life. The spiritual practices are like nothing I have ever done. They have grounded me, developed my intuitive senses, and deepened my sense of spiritual awareness. It is a life changing experience that everyone should partake in. Thanking you for your guidance shown me.”


    Retired - Atlanta, GA
  • “Meditation has opened a new world of contemplation and wondering that I have always had a yearning for. It has helped provide a confirming perspective of my spiritual beliefs as well as beneficial technique to deal with the complexities and challenging stresses of modern day life. A world of wonder and yearning awaits you.”


    Senior Military Analyst - Virginia
  • “AMS meditation benefits every area of my life. It gives me greater balance, increases energy levels and significantly improves my ability to focus. Meditation also brings me deeper relaxation, lowers stress, and gives me the strength to face challenging life situations. When I meditate, it is an opportunity for me to stop thinking, to go beyond words and thoughts. It brings my attention into the present moment and allows me to live a more fulfilling life.”


    Administrative Assistant - Vancouver, WA
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The Latest News

Online New Year Meditation Course

Join together to start off the New Year by IMMERSING yourself in what really matters – resting in the True Self. AMS MEDITATION IMMERSION 2024. See EVENTS for more info.

Weekly Wednesday meditation

Join us every Wednesday at 7 p.m. on Zoom for meditation, followed by optional discussion. See the EVENTS section for zoom login details.

First Sunday meditation

Please join us one Sunday each month for a virtual chant and meditation session. Please visit EVENTS for more details on the next upcoming event.