New York Spring Retreat 2019

Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate 150 Sisters Servants Lane, Sloatsburg, NY, United States

Embracing Change—The Key to Freedom We are living in a state of flux and we are being tested…our reactions to inner and outer circumstances matter. The way we perceive change--welcome it and dance with it--willmaterialize physically. We know that resisting change is futile; it leaves us battered and broken. But embracing change, being fluid, can...

$105.00 – $275.00

AMS National Retreat 2019

Marianist Retreat & Conference Center 4000 Highway 109, Eureka, MO, United States

       Theme: You are Light and Vibration You are light and vibration, not the small body identified self you assume yourself to be. On this course we will look at exactly what Gururaj has to say about light and vibration, about who we really are versus who we take ourselves to be. We...

$250.00 – $750

Knoxville Area Fall Retreat 2019

Wafloy Mountain Village Retreat 3610 East Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN, United States

Our highly anticipated retreat this Fall will be held at the Steiner Bell Lodge facility at Wafloy Mountain Village in Gatlinburg. This is a beautiful newly-restored lodge with breathtaking views that we will have all to ourselves! Please click on this link for more information and photos of the Lodge: Wafloy Mountain Village ACCOMMODATION: There are...

$95 – $395